Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cafe Townsend

I always wanted to know how to make a website, and for the past couple of weeks I finally learned how. I was making a website called Cafe Townsend. I was all excited, but it was kinda confusing. The only thing that made sense to me was adding the images and the flash player. The one that made me really frustrated was formatting text with CCS. I was really confused and annoyed, but after I finish it, I was relieved. All of this was really fun and excited. I learned a lot from this, and later on when I make my own website it will be a piece of cake.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sour Sally

This site was really interesting and super fun. I can see why it was nominated for food/beverage and design. My favorite part of the site was controling sour sally, it was just like a video game. The web design was really crazy, I cant even explain it. Just go check it out for your self at Sour Sally.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Yesterday I learned the basics of using Dreamweaver, and it is pretty tight. For those who does not know what Dreamweaver is, it is an application for making a website. It is the easy way, not like the hard way where you have to memorize all the codes, and use it on notepad. Well yeah I am going to try my best into making a 5 page website for my favorite one of my favorite bands "Gym Class Heroes". This is what I'm planning on doing.

. 1st page is going to be about the band.

. 2nd page is going to be what label there on.

. 3rd page is going to be about there albums.

. 4th page is going to be who is in the band.

. 5th page is going to be about there callaborations.

I really want my website to look like Jamba Juice, Burger King, and Gatorade websites.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I learned a lot of cool and useful stuff about HTML, I learned how to make a webpage, and also learned how to understand the HTML language. There was some confusing parts when I was learning HTML, like linking a webpage to other pages. This was really hard and annoying, but now I am getting the hang of it. Web designing is really cool, and I would like to learn more cool and exciting stuff. I would want to know how to make a cool website like Jamba Juice.